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KWIAT Eyewear

KWIAT is a family company founded in 1991. The main activity of the company is the production and sale of prescription frames and sunglasses. The main purpose of KWIAT is to create products that meet all customer expectations in design and quality. The frames and sunglasses are available in over 38 countries on 5 continents.


KWIAT models are designed according to the latest fashion trends in the eyewear industry but also to the local specifics of each new market that we introduce our products to.


As a company in the fashion industry, we participate with our own stands in the most prestigious optical events in the world such as MIDO in Milan, SILMO in Paris, OPTI in Munich, Vision Expo East in New York, etc., where our frames and sunglasses are presented together with the most famous brands and designers.


If there is one thing that characterizes KWIAT brand products, it is the insight into every detail and the impeccable quality that our prescription frames and sunglasses are known for. We care about the quality of our glasses and in their production we use only raw materials from proven world manufacturers.

Social responsibility

The KWIAT team has always been socially engaged and this is the reason why we organize annual campaigns. They focus on various aspects of eye health for children and adults. The campaigns are organized in partnership with socially responsible companies, state institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

History of KWIAT

A flower that continues to bloom

More than a quarter of a century ago, a flower was born from the love between a Polish woman from a noble family and a Bulgarian from Svoge. In 1962, Mr. Michael met Dr. Maria and immediately fell in love. They are a wonderful family, despite the difficulties along the way. In 1991, Michael and his son Pawel decided to start a company. After much deliberation on how to name the company, the family decided to stick to the Polish word ‘KWIAT’. This word means a flower and so Michael Cwetkow connects it with the love for his wife. The love story continues…

The history of KWIAT continues…

In the early 1990s, Pawel was a student in Poland and met Edyta there. They fall in love and decide to return to Bulgaria. After their arrival, Pawel and Edyta began to develop the company KWIAT, becoming representatives of world-famous eyewear brands. They soon discover that it is actually their calling to create glasses themselves. So in 2003, Pawel and Edyta opened the KWIAT eyewear brand. Thus, they start producing designer sunglasses and prescription frames, in line with both the world’s leading fashion trends and the regional characteristics and needs of people around the world.

The first KWIAT collection

The preparation of the first collection lasts two years and has 45 models. This collection is the beginning of the eyewear brand KWIAT, as it is today. The company blooms like a flower, planted in the fertile soil of healthy family values and watered with much love. Even the paintings on the walls in the office were taken from the old house of Pawel’s grandmother, and some of the employees have been with the company from the beginning.

To the question: “Why do they decide to develop in Bulgaria?”, Pawel and Edyta answer as follows: “We believe that business can be done anywhere, but only in Bulgaria we can keep this love and these values that are embedded in the foundations of KWIAT!”

KWIAT’s faces

“KWIAT prescription frames and sunglasses are extremely comfortable and stylish and their high quality is just another proof that the brand is a competitor to be feared worldwide. Symmetry Beauty Clinic’s team and I are trusting KWIAT with our eyes health.”

Dr. Angel Enchev – plastic surgeon

“A prestigious brand that can worthily stand next to any of famous competitors worldwide – this is KWIAT for me.”

Iva Ekimova – TV presenter and PR specialist

“For me, KWIAT is trendy and innovative. They offer products with aesthetic features and practical use.”

Rositsa Rangelova – fashion designer

“KWIAT has become a model for professionalism, supreme quality modernity. KWIAT’s success and popularity are driven not only by the quality of its products but by the effective and unique communication policy, its active and innovative participation in the fashion life and events.”

Professor Lubomir Stoykov – PR specialist and fashion expert

“KWIAT eyeglasses are very comfortable and trendy. A great combination of sophistication and beauty at reasonable prices. I have been wearing the KWIAT prescription frame for a long time and I am completely satisfied. I recommend KWIAT eyewear to everyone who loves comfort and the modern lifestyle – for dynamic and positive people.”

Sylvia Katsarova – pop singer

“I am wearing KWIAT eyewear for many years now and I always recommend them to my friends. Thank you for being my friend – be successful.”


Използваме „бисквитки“, за да персонализираме съдържанието и рекламите, да предоставяме функции на социалните медии и да анализираме трафика си. Също така споделяме информация за използването на нашия сайт с нашите партньори в социалните медии, рекламата и анализа. View more
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