If carefully chosen the eyeglasses can never harm your eye. It is a well known fact that most of the information we receive is through the eyes. Therefore the care for them is of utmost importance. But there are plenty of rumours and myths among the people about what is harmful and what useful for the vision.Here are some of the most common misperceptions about the eyeglasses:
1. Sitting close to the TV set is harmful. There are no evidence about that. You should sit where you feel comfotable – the eyes themselves are quite a good indicator. They get tired mostly due to the lack of light in the room and not because of the distance to the screen.
2. Reading in the dark is harmful. The rule from point 1 is also aplicable here.
3. There are exercises which can improve your vision. There is no se t of exercises which can improve or heal the vision. The eye just have to be used properly, which by the way is valid for all other organs in the the body, and this way you will keep them in the best condition possible
4. The eye can be "worn off". The eye s are not lamps. They can not get worn off from using them too much, but rather from using them in the wrong way.
5. Elderly people can sometime get new, improved vision. By this people usually mean the ability to see better. If such a moment does occur it will be for a short period only as it is due to changes in the eye connected with the development of cathrakta.
6. Having too much sex can make you blind. Actually there are sexually transmited deseases which if not cured properly can lead to blindness, brain illness or death. This is how myths are born.
7. Wearing eyeglasses can be harmful. Quite the opposite – the correctly chosen, after and eye check at the optician eyeglasses can even improve the way you see. It is harmful to wear eyeglasses which are not made especially for you.
8. Blind people can get a sixth sense or develop a new talent. Most people with healthy vision do not pay attention to what part of the inforamtion they receive through the eye on daily basis compared through the other senses, unlike the blind people, who try to compensate the lack of vision by training the other senses more. This is not a sixth sense pure practise and exercises of necessity.
9. It is not necessary to have an eye check until the age of 40. Each person should have regular eye-checks at least once per year, before they turn 40 even if they seem healthy. There are eye illneses which can occur even in younger age (glaukoma for example).
10. Doctors can transplant new eyes. Transplanting a whole eye is not in the capacity of the modern medicine. The eyes are connected to the brain and the vision nerves wich means that they should be able to transplant a brain in order to do so with an eye.
11. Artificial eye has been created.The scientists are really working on creating a microchip which can partially substitute some damages parts of the eye. Other scientists are trying to directly connect cameras to the brain, but the eye and the brain work diferently – not as simple as a computer or camera does. Even if an artificial aye is created no one believes that it can be connected to the brain.
12. The sun cannot damage the eye if we wear dark sunglasses. Sun UV rays can seriously and irreversibly damage the eyes. It has been determined that looking at the sun with unprotected eye, for even less than a minute can lead to permanent blindness.
13. Nothing can be done to prevent the eye from getting ill. Regular eye-checks and eye care can significantly lessen or postpone in time the detiriorating of your vision, connected to aging. If you sens a problem with your eyes you should immediately visit an ophtalmologist. If an illnes is detected early enough it can be slowed down, and in some cases even prevented.
14. Eyeglasses can damage the vison in time. Wearing eyeglasses will never harm your eye if they are properly chosen after an eye-check from an ophtalmologist.
15. Eating carrots can improve the vision. The carrot is a really rich source of vitamin A, which is necessary for your vision but only in very small quantities. So consuming too much carrots can actually have the oposite, negative efect on your health.