What is the similarity between "Survivor" and Kwiat glasses? The answer is only one – the optician Jivko Naidenov. He is the person famous for his participation in the successful TV format and he has run the optical store "Zornitca" for some years and successfully presented the best models of Bulgarian trade mark. Jivko revealed that in the end of the year fashion conscious people are impatient to learn about the hottest new tendencies for the next season. Kwiat has prepared many surprises for its admirers and revealed some of them in advance. White colours continue to be topical about sunglasses and dioptric frames. It is interesting that stylists enrich the colour palette – summer 2009's nuances will be ivory royal claret and English blue. An important detail is that all the colours are mélange. There is good news for metal frames' admirers – they are making a big come back in the shape of a kidney and they are much more volumetric. The lenses outer mirror coating is in silver, gold and pink, but when it is inside is like antireflex in violet shade. The modern trends in glasses for next season allow Swarovski stones to be replaced by stone-imitation special colored metal. You can find a wide variety of Kwiat's models in Zornitca Optics.