KWIAT organises free preventative eye-checks campaign for all students up to the age of 18 during the whole of October in a large number of optician stores across Bulgaria. Preventative eye-checks for children should be conducted at least once per year by an ophtalmologist. The first eye check for each child should be done before they turn 1 year old and more specifically at the age of 6 months. If the doctor states that the eyes are in good health the check should be done again between the 3rd and the 5th year. The parents in whose families there are cases of some kind of eye illness or issues should be extra cautious. The eye checks must not be postponed for the time when the child goes to school for the first time. All parents should keep in mind that even if their children do have some issues with their eye they probably do not know about them or cannot state it and say it. The sooner, and issues is spotted, the better chance of fixing it in a timely fashion and helping the child develop properly there is. Prescription frames and sunglasses for children should be stronger, easier for adjusting, lighter, more comfortable and safer than the ones for adults. Children see differently than their parents do, therefore, especially for the younger ones, the eyeglasses they wear should be round with bigger lenses so their vision spectre is not decreased. Being anatomical, soft and to fit well on the nose are the most important features of the children's eyeglasses. Heavy eyeglasses can damage the nasal bone, which is quickly changing at younger age. Therefore the anatomical structure of the children's eyeglasses is of utmost importance. Other characteristics such as being antiallergic, anibacterial lightness are all features of the SWING and KWIAT prescription frames. Models in it are especially developed for children aged 1 to 10, and each pair comes with flexible expanding temples especially made for 1-2 years old. It is important to keep in mind that due to children growing fast a pair of glasses can be worn for an average of 2 years. Children are always striving to imitate their parents . Therefore the children's prescription frames and sunglasses often resemble and follow the same fashion trends and technology as the ones for adults: similar shapes, colours and materials. "What mom and dad are wearing is what is trendy, just in smaller size", explains Pawel Cwetkow – general manager of the Bulgarian eye-wear brand KWIAT. The latest fashion in the children's eye-wear is round glasses in retro or Hary Potter style. These are being worn by children at the age of 2 to 14 and come in multiple colours. The elypsis shape is also typical for the children's eye-glasses. When choosing children's eyeglasses it is important to have a good working relation between ophtalmologist and doctor as well as the active paticipation the child. This is especially true when choosing prescription frames so the child can easily and quickly get used to wearing them. "Toy-like accessories can also help the child to easily get used to wearing prescription frames", says Pawel Cwetkow and shows the glasses toy-stands which are increasingly popular among children. My glases friend – Fifi, is a rubber toy-like accessory that comes in different animla-like shapes, which the bulgarian brand KWIAT is giving away with each pair of children's eyeglasses. The children's eyeglasses for those up to the age of 12 are serously influenced by famous cartoons and children's TV serials. At this age the children's are striving to copy and resemble everything they see and the interest for more colourful and extravagant models is also increasing. Due to the laincreasing volume of school lessons, work with computer and other devices, it is always good to know that the eyeglasses should not decrease the the vision spectre, fall off the face during sport or damage the nose when bending. For the teenagers aged 12 or above, the fashion becomes increasingly important.They start following trends and imitate the way sportsmen, musicians, singers and actors look. The large, retro-shapedeyeglasses are modern among the teenagers, too. Colours are the trend of the day at this age, with colourful, changable temples being extremly popular. Sea or sky blue, purple, green and red. The colours are full and bright, but a degree of transperancy is also preferred. Classic black, brown up to a certain degree, typical girls' colours such as pink, beige, orange and even yellow are all modern.Phosphrous full rims or just temples of this type are proving very ppular among the young. Such models can be found in the KWIAT Junior and KWIAT Comfort Collections. Antyallergic covers, which all KWIAT models have, are very important for the teenagers with problematic skin. Sunglasses are a fashion accessory which children and especially teenagers wear not only during the summer. It has been found that the children's eye absorb as much as 75% of the sun's UV rays compared to only 10% in adults. Therefore it is of high importance for the children to wear good quality eyeglasses with supreme UV protection and polarisation which can protect their eyes. Such models are offered by the KWIAT Comfort Collecton (for children aged 10 – 18) which offer not only prescription frames but sunglasses as well.