The numbers speak for themselves
About 730 tonnes of waste are dumped directly into the Mediterranean Sea every day and more than 150 million tonnes of plastic are found in the oceans today. Only 5% of the value of plastic packaging is reused in the economy, the rest is simply waisted. The need for more recycling in order to prevent more plastic from entering the oceans is obvious.
It is time for action
KWIAT is the first Bulgarian brand to pay serious attention to the recycling of glasses. For years the company has been producing sunglasses and frames made of biodegradable plastic. In addition, each package for storing glasses is also recyclable.
In the name of nature
KWIAT is always up to date with all fashion trends but what tends to stay hidden is the social commitment. KWIAT eyewear are made of cotton. That’s right! This is a long process which starts with the purification of the cotton, goes through the addition of antibacterial substances, and finally reaches the acetate sheet which is used to make KWIAT sunglasses and dioptric frames.
Our mission is to help create a global attitude towards goods that can be recycled. This will help us to come at least one step closer to solving this significant problem.
See the whole process of making eyewear here: